Month: December 2017

For The Watcher

I know you are there.
I can see your “gravitational” effects.
Been waiting.
Stronger connection is welcome.
Mystery respected.

Please excuse this post. I’m not trying to be cutesy. The message is meant for someone who I cannot easily contact via other mediums at this time.

The Four-letter WORD

I am sitting before this keyboard and trying to formulate a way to convey to the reader just how useless words are. But I have to use words to do it.


Recently I posted a short autobiographical essay (Suicide Kings) on an internet forum that is host to a wide range of intellects. There were a great number of thoughtful people who responded in various ways that I much enjoyed reading. There were also a few of the usual trolls. What I learned from this exercise is that critical reactions generally come from those who do not read carefully. By holding a pre-existing belief in their own superiority, they hinder their own ability to learn. (Fortunately I am far too smart to ever have this problem myself! <eye-roll>)


That is the unpronounceable name of G-D.

By saying that this is unsayable is the point.

Only an idiot will try to use words to describe… well, you Know.

Unless you don’t.

But you actually do.

It may take you years of trying to meditate before you realize that you’ve been doing it perfectly all along. Years of searching for heaven before you realize that you’ve always been there.

Stop talking. Stop thinking and just look the fuck around.

It all just Is.

You just Are.


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